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33 Ferry Avenue
Detroit, Michigan,
November 14th, 1905.

My dear Mr. Evans:-

About one year ago you kindly permitted me to buy of your firm some curtains, and if I remember correctly, at the same time you said I might purchase some table and bed linen should I ever wish to do so. I shall soon have to replenish my stock of the latter. And if I may make a selection at your store, when I am next in New York I shall be glad to do so. On the other hand, if my recollection of the conversation is wrong, do not hesitate to say so frankly.

How are you?  Busy as ever, I fancy. Busy not only in [[crossed-out]] the [[/crossed-out]] business but in adding important specimens to your splendid collection I suppose. Since seeing you last I have added a few more Whistler's to my group, and also a couple of Newing's, and two or three of Tryon's. The increased interest now shown in American Art must be very satisfactory to you. 

With kindest regards, I remain,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer

William T. Evans, Esq.,
C/O Mills & Gibb,
Crosby & Grand St.