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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 15th, 1905. 

Messrs. Thomas Eres. & Company,
#711 - 712 Hammond Building,


Referring to the conversation had with Mr. Thomas yesterday afternoon concerning bricks for lining the new vault, now in course of construction at my house.

I regret very much that an examination made this morning proves that the floors are not strong enough to carry the increased weight which would be occasioned by the use of bricks. The ceiling of one vault is over fifteen feet (15) high and the weight of this high interior wall would be excessive.. So I am compelled to use a strong plaster instead of bricks. 

Thanking you for your kind attention, and returning herewith the two sample bricks, which you so kindly loaned me. 
I remain,

Very truly yours,
Charles L. Freer