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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan 
November 15, 1905. 

Dear Matsuki:-

Your letter of the 15th instant is received, containing your promissory note for Twenty-five Hundred Dollars, ($2500.00), dated November 10th, at eight months. The same being made payable at your office, #380 Boylston Street, Boston. I return the same here with for correction.

In your letter you said that you hoped to pay it within six months, but that you had taken the liberty of extending the time to eight months, so as to insure you against contingencies. A much better way for you, as well as myself, would be to substitute the note enclosed herewith, which you will observe is made payable on demand. By having the note so made you can make payments earlier, if you wish, and get credit for the payments as made. And if the time should run slightly over eight months the note, itself, would not be affected. 

Another item of error in the note is its date. You dated it November 10th, whereas the money was sent to you September 2nd, and your note should date from that day, as I have been out of the use of the money ever since. And if interest is to be paid on the account it should date from the day the money left here. I have made no mention of the interest in the note, leaving that for adjustment hereafter. 

Kindly destroy the note returned herewith, and sign and send back to me its substitute which is, also, enclosed.

I note that you have sent on some prints to Mr. Morse for his examination, and that you are to follow yourself, later. You will, doubtless, have a very pleasant trip to Chicago. I notice, also, what you have said about the Hekusai and other Okiyo-ye paintings seen to be received. I trust they will turn out to be very interesting specimens. I am leaving Detroit tomorrow evening, and shall stop off for a day in Buffalo. After which I shall go to the Berkshires for a couple of days and then to New York and Philadelphia. So I am not likely to return to Detroit until after Thanksgiving.

With kindest regards,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer.