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#915 Union Trust Building, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
November 18th, 1905. 

Dear Mr. Freer:-

Enclosed herewith please find letters received at the office since you left, as follows:-

No. 1, From Mr. Watson M. Freer. 
No. 2, From Mr. Newberry, Washington. 
No. 3, From University Club, Detroit. 
No. 4, Post-marked, "New York, Station E."

As requested over the telephone, the evening you left, I am sending you herein a draft on the American Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago, to your order for One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, ($150.00). 

Mr. Mayeda, the Japanese gentleman who is sending you some things, called yesterday morning, having arrived in Detroit from Japan. He arrived at San Francisco on November 4th. He, of course, was very sorry not to have reached here before your departure, but as he wished to make a stay in Cleveland he left here last night for that city, and will write me from there where I can communicate with him, and he will return to Detroit to see you after you get home. 

His shipment of which you saw a list the day you left, arrived this morning, and another shipment of Tour cases, containing screens, kakemono, and some pieces of porcelain, is on its way,