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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
November 27th, 1905. 

My dear Matsuki:-

While in New York last week Professor Fenollosa handed me the letter enclosed herewith, addressed to Kai Tomonobu, which he kindly prepared in accordance with the conversation we three had together during your late visit in Detroit. Will you kindly send the original letter, along with a Japanese translation of it, to your brother, requesting him to deliver both the original letter and your Japanese translation of it to Kai Tomonobu in order that he may fully understand the matter. 

You will be pleased, I am sure, with the way Professor Fenollosa has set forth his views to Kai Tomonobu. 

With kind regards, 

Yours very sincerely, 
Charles L Freer

Bunkio Matsuki, Esq., 
#380 Boylston Street, 
Boston, Mass. 

1 enclosure. 

Transcription Notes:
Kam has been edited on the paper throughout, but not sure if it is to Kai or something else?