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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 28th, 1906

Dear Miss Ross:- 

The girl who has been helping the chef for the last two years, doing the work which you formerly did for me, has been shipped home by her family. And she goes back to remain with her people tomorrow or the next day. This makes a vacancy.

The work will be in the kitchen assisting the chef, the same as you were with me before. If you would like this position I would be glad to have you take it. The salary is Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) per month, and the place should be filled not later than Monday or Tuesday of next week.

I am going to Boston tonight and shall return on Monday or Tuesday nest. If you would like the position can you come say, Monday next, the 4th of December? Please write me by return mail.

In my absence your letter will be opened by Mr. Kennedy. And if you do not want the position he will take necessary steps in the matter. If you do want the position, kindly say so, and come here to begin your work on Monday or Tuesday next, so above mentioned.

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer

Miss Emma L. Ross
Care, Ira Ross
Morpeth Post Office,