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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 28th, 1905.

Dear Tryon:-

Your good letter of November 27th reminded me of the fact that we had quite forgotten to speak of the repairs to Miss Watson's picture, and I thank you for having written me about it.

I am sending her a line today, asking her to forward the picture to Montross, who in turn will deliver it at your studio.

Your willingness to restore the picture has already relieved Miss Watson's mind of great worry, as well as my own. It is such a wonderful picture! Naturally, all who know have regretted the misfortune that over-came it.

I am glad, too, of your suggestions concerning the Pennsylvania Academy Exhibition. The group you have outlined, I am sure, will be a great success. So we will count on showing, "The New England Hills," "The Evening Star," from my collection, and the "Evening" from the Albright Gallery. If there is room for more pictures, as I think there will be, I will ask Mr. Evans to loan the "November." And I will add the "Sunrise" as you suggest.

Yes, "Big Trees," Colonel Hooker's, "Moonlight," and my, "Pool" will make a splendid group, and I hope to see them shown together some day.

I arrived home Sunday morning, and am starting for