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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 1st, 1905.

Frank Gair Macomber, Esq.,
#147 Milk Street,

Dear Sir:-

Upon the receipt of your letter of the 20th ultimo, relatives to the expiry date of the insurance policy covering the painting which has been on exhibition at Venice, Mr. Freer cabled the Secretary of the Exhibition, asking if the painting had been shipped for home, and if not, when it would be. A reply thereto has been received stating that the painting would be shipped from Venice during the first days of December, and as Mr. Freer is absent for a few days, I take pleasure in advising you thereof.

If the picture is promptly shipped and it suffers no unusual delay in transportation it should be received in Detroit by December 25th, the date on which the policy expires. 

After more definite advice as to just when shipment is made, has been received, if it appears there is insufficient time for transportation and delivery before the expiration of the policy, I will advise you.

Thanking you for calling attention to the matter,

I remain,

Very truly yours,
J M Kennedy