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#33 Perry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 7th, 1905.

Dear Mr. Bixby:-

The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts is to hold its 101st Annual Exhibition, beginning the latter part of January next and closing early March. The President and Director of the Academy have requested me to take charge of one room of the exhibition and to hang it with the work of Whistler, Dewing, Tryon, and Thayer. I decided to undertake the work and for that purpose made a visit to Philadelphia.

The room offered is a good one, but I disliked the coloring. So the room is now being repainted under the direction of Mr. Dewing. The selection of the pictures is left to my own judgement, and the hanging will be done by Dewing, Tryon, and myself. In fact, this room while it will be a part of the Annual Exhibition, will be entirely independent of the jury: they have nothing to do either with the selection of our pictures or the hanging thereof. In other words, the room will be managed very much the same as the little room at the St. Louis Exhibition which seemed to attract so much attention.

In talking to Mr. Dewing yesterday about the pictures of his to be invited for the exhibition, he said he would like very much indeed to have shown the one by him which you purchased from Montross last year. It is a "corker" and we would like