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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 8th, 1905.

Dear Tryon:-

I am just back from a hurried trip through the East and am glad to find your kind letter of December 3rd, also, the delightful pastel. I wish you could have been present at my house this morning when I took it out of its box. It is truly a wonder!

Enclosed herein I send, with pleasure, my check for Three hundred Dollars, ($300,00) in settlement for the picture.

I note with interest your remarks concerning the Philadelphia Academy Exhibition. I feel that we should show at least four of your paintings and four of Dewing's, giving you two men the larger spaces. If you will be good enough to select the four by yourself, we will consider that as final. I have no doubt Colonel Hecker will be pleased to lend his, "Moon-rise", if you would care to include it, although I have not spoken to him about the matter and he is today at Pittsburg.

On Tuesday, next, I have to go to Washington and if I can conveniently do so I will stop off at Philadelphia on my way home as to see how they are getting on with re-painting of the room.

It will please you to know that authorities in Washington are working earnestly to find a way to meet my views concerning the proposed gift to the government. As soon as anything definite in the matter happens I will advise you.

With cordial regards.

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

D. W. Tryon, Esq.,
#230 Central Park South,
New York City.

1 enclosure.