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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 9th, 1905.

My dear Mr. Baxter:-

Absence from Detroit has prevented earlier reply to your letter of December 4th.

In reply, I beg to say, that after having examined the list of engravings, which you sent, I concluded that the opinion given you at the Wunderlich Gallery, is commendable. At the present time English engravings, of the kind mentioned in your list, are not very valuable, and I believe the majority of the American dealers are pretty well loaded up with this class of stock.

I noticed, also, that in searching for prints in England and France last year that while the work of Whistler, Rembrandt, and Meryon was exceedingly scarce, engravings by the later School of English Engravers were very plentiful. So unless the owner is anxious to make early disposal of them I would advise holding them five or ten years.

Let me, also, suggest that if the owner would like further expert information he could learn much to his advantage by consulting,-

Mr. Frederick Keppel,
#20 East 16th Street,
New York City.

Trusting you are very well and with kind regards, I remain,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

George S. Baxter, Esq.,
#15 Williams Street,
New York City.