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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 9th, 1905.

Harris B. Dick, Esq.,
Care, The Union League Club,
New York City.

My dear Sir:-

Earlier reply to your inquiry of December 4th has been prevented by my absence from Detroit. Yes, I am pleased to say that during a recent trip to England I purchased the Thomas Way collection of Paintings in Oil, Pastel, and Water Colour, also, the Etchings, Dry-Points, and Drawings belonging thereto.

I believe, however, that Mr. Way is still the possessor of some lithographs by Mr. Whistler. I think, also, that Mr. Way's children still possess other specimens of the work of Mr. Whistler.

Now, concerning what action the executrix of Mr. Whistler's will, Miss Birnie-Philip, will take concerning further printing of Mr. Whistler's plates or stones, I am not authorized to state, but if you wish definite information on the subject I would respectfully refer you to her. Her address is,-

Miss Rosalind Birnie-Philip,
#103 Albert Bridge Road, Battersea,
London, S. W.

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer