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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 11th, 1905.

Mr. L. G. Warrington,
Care, Wilson Eyre, Esq.,
35 West 21st Street,
New York City.

Dear Sir:-
I beg to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 9th instant, enclosing the Hay Foundry and Iron Works' bill, $595.00, for the diffusing sash for Mr. Freer's gallery, together with Mr. Hay's letter of the 8th instant addressed to you, respecting an additional allowance for expense in connection with erecting the sash.

Mr. Freer has written a letter to the Hay Foundry and Iron Works concerning the matter, which I am enclosing to you herewith, together with voucher and check for the amount of the contract, viz: $595.00.

Will you kindly note the letter and forward it along with the check and voucher, to the Hay Works, and oblige.

Yours very truly,
JM Kennedy