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Detroit, Mich., Dec. 11, 1905.

Mr. H. R. Yamamoto,
183 St. Boltoph St.,
Boston, Mass.

Dear Mr. Yamamoto:-
I have only recently returned from my eastern trip, and yesterday enjoyed and examination of your shipment from Japan which came through the Custom House.

I find three pieces in the lot on which I would be glad to have your views as to price, namely, 

The one piece of Kenzan pottery.
One Kakemono by Seshiu:-
An ink painting of a goose.}

One Kakemono, a painting of flowers, by Sotatsu. You will know which one of the Kakemono's I mean, because the one of interest has wrapped within it a sheet of paper bearing a notation in my hand writing. I would like to have your lowest price for each one of these articles separately. The balance of the shipment received for your account, as follows, will go to your Boston address by express tomorrow; namely
One pair small, six pannel screens, Tosa.
One two-fold screen, flowers, chrysanthemums, etc.

Transcription Notes:
Not sure how to handle what appears to be markings added to the document in the list.