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Prof. Fenellosa. #2. 12/11/05.

One Kakemono, Chinese land-scape, attributed to Tani Buneho.
One Roll painting, in colors, on paper, attributed to Moronobu.

May I ask you to inspect these paintings, and favor me with your critical opinion of them. The twelve unmounted paintings attributed to Korin, were taken from a damaged screen, and they are said to have been certified by Sakai Doitau. The large painting by Hokusai seems to me to be exceedingly interesting and beautiful.

You will be interested to know that after comparing the Kakemono by Hokusai belonging to Matsuki, which we saw together in your home, and which I brought with me [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] from New York, cannot stand comparison with the other Hokusais in my collection. I have compared it carefully with a number of unquestioned specimens, and I am convinced that it is not worthy of a place in my collection. I am perfectly satisfied that the signature, as you suggest, is by another hand. Furthermore, the painting, clever as it is, lacks the high quality and personal touch found in all of the better specimens I have.

The screens, too, received from Matsuki are very disappointing, so I have sent them all to him in Boston.

The president has kindly invited me to visit him in Washington for the purpose of discussing my proposed gift to