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Detroit, Mich., Dec. 11, 1905.

Mr. Bunkai Matsuki,
380 Boylston St.,
Boston, Mass.

My Dear Matsuki:-
I was detained in the east, and consequently yesterday was the first opportunity I had to examine the screens recently received for your account direct from Japan; and also to compare the Kakemono by Hokusai, which you forwarded to me through Prof. Fenellosa.

Well, fortunately, yesterday the light was fine, and I devoted a large part of the day to looking at your things. I compared the Kakemono by Hokusai with the other fine specimens by him already in my collection, and the result was that I felt your Kakemono too brilliant in color and too inharmonious in certain ways to give me lasting pleasure. I also felt that the signature, if by Hokusai, was entirely unlike any other writing by him I have ever seen, so I decided not to keep the Kakemono.

None of the screens interest me sufficiently to cause me to purchase them, so I am sending them all to you with the Kakemono, to your Boston address, by American express.
continued on page 389