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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 20th, 1905.

Dear Mr. Bing:--
On my return home from a considerable absence this morning I found your letter of December 8th, and I am much interested in the particulars given therein.

I trust that the new department of your business - Mediaeval Sculpture - will prove financially successful, as I know it will prove personally interesting to you. I shall be happy to receive, when ready, a copy of the "Carrie Catalog" and if the screen mentioned is one suited to my collection I shall be glad to send you a bid for it.

As requested, I enclose herewith a memorandum of the charges paid by me on the piece of Racca pottery, which I forwarded to your representative in New York.

With kind regards and wishing you the compliments of the season, I remain,
Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

Mons. Marcel Bing,
No. 10 Rue St. Georges,
Paris, France.
1 enclosure.