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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 23rd, 1905.

Dear Miss Watson:--
I found the enclosed letter from Mr. Tryon awaiting my return from the East, and I am taking the liberty of forwarding it direct to you. You will learn from the same that Mr. Tryon has succeeded in restoring your picture so that now it is in as good order as before the accident. Mr. Tryon also continues to feel that the original frame should be restored to the picture and he asks me to attempt to induce you to secure it and use it as he originally desired. I understand your feelings quite fully, I think, and in writing as I do herein I only ask that you think the subject over once more before fully determining to abandon the use of the old frame.
I had a very interesting time in Washington, but no actual decision concerning my proposed gift has yet been reached by the Regents notwithstanding a report to the contrary which seems to have gone through the Press almost everywhere. I can say, however, that the President's influence seems likely to overcome all obstacles.
There is as yet very little sign of Christmas here, but I should not be surprised to find that nature gives us a beautiful snow storm between now and Monday, next.