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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
September 6th, 1905.

L.G. Warrington,
Care, Wilson Eyre, Esq., 
35 West 21st St., New York City.

Dear Mr. Warrington:-

Mr. Carow was just in and showed me your letter of the 31st ult. relative to the estimate on the sliding doors underneath the shelf in the gallery. He tells me that about a week or ten days ago, the revised price was sent you and [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] it is possible his letter crossed yours in the mail. If the matter is not yet satisfactory to you, and you have not all of the information asked for, will you kindly let me know at once and I will see that you get it without delay, because as we know, not only Vinton, but Ryan, is held up on their work pending your conclusion.

Will you kindly furnish me by return mail, a full sized drawing of the tile to be used, showing the location of the holes therein. I am assuming, of course, that the tiles which are being made are of the same size as the chocolate colored sample which I had here, but which