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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
September 7th, 1905

Mr. L. G. Warrington,
Care, Wilson Eyre, Esq.,
35 West 21st Street,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Warrington:-
In discussing with Mr. Robinson, Manager of the Trussed Concrete Steel Company, the roof to be built over the balcony through which the gallery is approached from the den, we find that if the roof over the balcony is built as shown in your drawings, the distance from the den floor to the proposed roof will be only 5' 8", as shown in the sketch sent herewith.

There is no way of lowering the floor of the den, consequently it seems to us that the roof over the balcony will have to be raised, and in doing that, provision will also have to be made for raising a part of the old shingle roof projecting over the closet of den, through which the new passage way will be.

The Concrete people are now ready to proceed with this work, and are anxious to have immediate instructions concerning this point.