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33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
September 13th, 1905.

My dear Shugio:- 
Your letter of August 21st is received, and I shall be glad to meet your friend Dr. Suzuki. It will also afford me much pleasure to do whatever I can to make his stay in our city pleasant.

I regret that the rebuilding of my house, which is now in progress, compels me to live at a hotel, however, I shall be glad to show Dr. Suzuki such things of my collection, as are getatable during the present confused state of my home. Many of the most important paintings are stored away in fireproof warehouses, still, some of them at least, can be shown to the Doctor.

I hope that some time ere long, you will be visiting America yourself, and that I may have the pleasure of seeing you here. 

The consummation of peace is meeting with hearty approval in America. It is a great thing to stop the fearful loss of life, and we are all hoping that by degrees, it will be felt that the terms of settlement are the best that could be obtained under the