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33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan,
September 13th, 1905.

My dear Mr. Morse:-
Your kind letter of the 9th instant came duly, and it is pleasant to feel that you are "living once more". The force of your remark is more keenly appreciated by myself just now, because I am living a sort of tramp life at the Hotel Cadillac. However, I do manage to get in a few hours a day at my house, where even in its "topsy turvy" state, I find some quiet.

Fenollosa spent Sunday and Monday here, and we gave the Kobayashi shipment very rigid examination, with the following result:

We accept for purchase if satisfactory terms can be obtained from Kobayashi, the following specimens:-

By Koetsu - 5 small paintings.
By Sotatsu - 1 pair large six-fold screens. Ink painting.
By Sotatsu - 1 small six-fold screen. Color painting.
By Korin - 1 small two-fold screen. Color painting.
By Kenzan - 1 small two-fold screen. Ink painting.
By Hiroshige - 1 kakemono.