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in Paris 1877 1 "the young sorcerer" nude boy - small
given to the Nat. academy on my election & now owned by them.

in Boston/78 to 80. 2 "A Musician" half nude. female
figure [[strikethrough]] with  [[/strikethrough]] small [[/strikethrough]] with violin. sitting [[smal?]] on panel. Sold to [[Blaklest?]] & by him to some one unknown

3 "The Song" two figures. Now /1899/ owned by Mrs. Houston.

4 "The Archers" archers three figures shooting arrows at target. bought by C.T. Barney sold with his house to Pulitzer

5 "Morning" two figures blowing horns: owned by Gellathy
Various unimportant decorations and some small pictures [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] pictures sold to Blakesly for $5 00/100 each on my leaving Boston

Transcription Notes:
This is a numbered list