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Letter #31

to Mr. Riley in the work, I think you had better delay sending on the paintings for a few days, until I can write you of the decided improvement of my hand.
If the negatives we decided upon have already been selected, they may be sent on to Mr. Riley at any time. They can be sent directly to Herbert J. Riley, 436 Central Park, West. Of course I guarantee that nothing shall be taken from negatives or pictures except what we have agreed. By the way, he tells me that he has perfect success in photographing from European paintings with the glass upon them.
The doctor says that the trouble with my hand has been "inflammation of the sheathing of the tendons," a rare disease. The cause of it he can not make out from anything I can remember. It should be either a violent blow, sprain, or bite of a poisonous insect. I remember naught of such.
Mrs. Fenollosa leaves early next week to instal Erwin in her Academy at Staunton, Va. She will be gone about two weeks, and I can then devote a great deal of time to the photographing.
Please give my regards to Miss Nordlinger; and Mrs. Fenollosa wishes me to send [[strikethrough]] her yours [[/strikethrough]] you hers. Did you get a note from Nigeon written before he sailed?
Please excuse this uncertain writing, due to my left hand.
With renewed thanks to you, and especially for the extraordinary favor which you are granting me in entrusting me with the Ririomins, believe me
yours most faithfully,
Ernest F Fenollosa.