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K. Decisions of the Board in all cases properly referable to it shall be final and binding upon the parties thereto.

L. In the event of a deadlock in the case of any dispute properly before it, it shall be the duty of the Board to endeavor to agree, within thirty (30) days from the date of such deadlock, upon a procedure for breaking such deadlock. A majority vote of all members of the Board shall be competent to reach such agreement and the action of the Board operating under such procedure shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto. If, after the expiration of said thirty (30) days, the deadlock is not broken or such case is not otherwise disposed of, either party may notify the other in writing that the services of a referee are desired. Within ten (10) days after such notification the members of the Board will select a referee from the panel of five (5) potential referees, such panel to be hereafter agreed to by the parties to this Agreement. In the event the members of the Board are unable to select a referee from the panel of five (5) potential referees, the selection of the referee shall be made by the Chairman of the National Mediation Board. The referee so selected shall sit with the Board as a member thereof in the subsequent consideration and disposition of the case. Said panel of five (5) potential referees will be set up by mutual agreement between the parties hereto at as early a date as practicable after the signing of this Agreement, and changes in said panel may be made by mutual agreement of the parties hereto.

Within thirty (30) days after the selection of the referee as provided above, the Board and the referee shall consider and review the prior record in the case, and may call such additional witnesses and receive such additional evidence as the Board may deem necessary. Either party may make written request to the Board for the privilege of presenting additional witnesses or documentary evidence, and the Board, with the referee, may at their discretion permit such presentations. The decision of the Board shall be rendered within ten (10) days after consideration and review or after the close of any further hearing, and a majority vote of the members of the Board, including the referee, shall be necessary to reach such decision, which shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto.

The expenses and reasonable compensation of the referee selected as provided herein shall be borne equally by the parties hereto. The time limits specified in the Paragraph L of this Section may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties to this Agreement.

M. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit, restrict, or abridge the right or privileges accorded either to the employees or to the Company, or to their duly accredited representatives, under the provisions of the Railway Labor Act, as amended.

N. The Board shall maintain a complete record of all matters submitted to it for its consideration and of all findings and decisions made by it.

O. Each of the parties hereto will assume the compensation, travel expense and other expenses of the Board Members selected by it.

P. Each of the parties hereto will assume the compensation, travel expense and other expenses of the witnesses called or summoned by it. Witnesses who are employees of the Company shall receive free contingent air transportation on the Company's system from the point of duty or assignment to the point at which they must appear as witnesses and return, to the extent permitted by law.

Q. The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, acting jointly, shall have the authority to incur such other expenses as in their judgment may be deemed necessary for the proper conduct of the business of the Board, and such expenses shall be borne one-half by each of the parties hereto. Board Members who are employees of the Company shall be granted necessary leaves of absence for the performance of their duties as Board Members. So far as space is available, Board Members shall be furnished free transportation on the Company's system for the purpose of attending meetings of the Board, to the extent permitted by law.

R. It is understood and agreed that each and every Board Member shall be free to discharge his duty in

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