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an independent manner, without fear that his individual relations with the Company or with the Association may be affected in any manner by any action taken by him in good faith in his capacity as a Board Member.


A. Domicile Locations.
Present domicile points for Stewardesses are New York, Chicago, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle. The recommendations of the Association will be considered before making changes in the locations of domiciles.

B. Stewardess Lounges.
Where possible, the Company will furnish suitable lounge and sleeping quarters for the Stewardesses at fields of layover stations and at all locations where Stewardesses are based.

C. Reporting Before Flights.
Stewardesses shall report at the Dispatch Office forty-five (45) minutes before the departure of their flights.

D. Exchange of Tripes.
1. Stewardesses may exchange trips by mutual consent between Stewardesses at the same domicile upon three (3) days notice, except in emergencies, with approval of the Chief Stewardess; provided that such exchange does not interfere with a Stewardess's next scheduled trip. In the event of irregular operations, Stewardesses shall remain in each other's schedule until they can return to their own after adequate rest periods as defined in Section 3, Paragraph H.
2. A Stewardess's schedule shall not be changed at the opposite end of the trip without permission of the Stewardess or Stewardesses affected by such change in schedule except in emergencies.

E. Reserve Rotation.
All Stewardesses at each domicile who have completed their probationary period may be rotated on reserve status.

F. Notice to Reserve.
Stewardesses on reserve status shall be given three (3) hours notice at their domicile point before departure time except in emergencies and, in addition, shall receive field notification when second up, except that when a Stewardess is third up or lower and, because of simultaneous assignments becomes first up, no second up call will be given but notice will be given at that time. When a Stewardess is unable to take her trip she will notify the Dispatch Office not less than four (4) hours, except in emergencies, before the trip is scheduled to depart and shall at all times give as much notice as possible. While on reserve a Stewardess will be subject to call at any time and must be available by keeping the Company advised of where she can be reached.

G. Notice of Delayed Departure.
If a delay in flight departure is known two (2) hours before scheduled departure, Stewardesses will be notified of such delay, provided such delay is estimated to be more than one hour.

H. Emergency Assignments.
The Company may temporarily assign any employee to perform Stewardess duties when regular Stewardesses are not available.

I. Stewardess Meetings.
Stewardesses may be required to attend Stewardess meetings on days when they are not scheduled to fly; provided, however, that such meeting shall not be scheduled more than once every three (3) months. Stewardesses will not be required to attend refresher courses on days not scheduled to fly except at the meetings provided for in this paragraph.