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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
January 10th, 1906. 

My dear Mr. Bixby:--

On my return home this morning I found your kind note of January 6th, sent from St. Louis; also, your telegram sent from New York last evening, reading:--

"Have wired, send both immediately. When does Exhibit open?"

To which I have wired you:--

"Thank you very much. Exhibition opens Saturday, January twentieth."

which I now beg to confirm. 

I am sorry I could not have remained over in New York a day or two, so as to have enjoyed with you some of the things now to be seen in that city. 

The little exhibition of Dewing's and Tryon's at the Montross Gallery is very interesting. Then, too, Tyron and Dewing both have important pictures under way at their studios.

The Whistler at Knoedler's is one which Mr. Whistler in his kindness of heart, during his last illness, pledged to allow Robert Dunthorne, an English art dealer, to purchase. The picture was actually delivered to Mr. Dunthorne in my presence by Miss Birnie-Philip - the executrix of Mr. Whistler's will - about one year after his death. From Dunthorne the picture passed to Dowdeswell and Company of London, from whom Knoedler recently bought it. It is