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Not that I would detract one single item from the superb magnificence of this glorious city, but give honor to whom it is due.

I was delighted to receive your cable giving such comforting news concerning Watson and to know that you are all well. With cordial greetings to all,




I purchased yesterday an old piece of Terra Cotta of the 15th century for my garden. I had bill made out in your name and enclose same herewith. Will you kindly have it looked after upon arrival. There will be no duty because of its age and quality, but freight charges and brokerage will follow. It is from the facade of an old palace now being destroyed, and of course has no commercial value. Should it fail to arrive will you kindly write Mr. Clerle who understands English perfectly --- a friend of Stanford White and Platt. C.L.F.

Long hand.

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