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The joy of being entirely out of the harness of business for a year, means a great deal - and I, now, for the first time in my life, appreciate all that it means. Today, in counting up time, I could scarcely believe that five days later one twelfth of my year will be gone. 

omit [[strikethrough]] And so will go Mr. William's year and in the end all will be well. Yes, better, for his philosophy will be broadened, his intelligence increased, his heart softened, his life richer. 
And all this in spite of the remarkable richness of his higher qualities today. [[/strikethrough]]

What a great store house of interest this marvellous Italy!! And how magnificent some of her early rulers? The Medici!! From what I have thus far seen I cannot believe they knew as much about architecture and furniture and gold and silverware as did some of the Genoese, but they must have been in full sympathy with the arts of painting, sculpture and gardening i.e. the very best of these then being practiced. Yes, surely they knew or they would not have encouraged these great artists who [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] did so much to make the Medici remembered today. To fully appreciate this let one first visit The Academy then the Uffizi, next the Pitti. The Loggia dei Signori - The Bobli gardens - afterwards drive to Castello and spend the day at Villa Castello and Villa dell Petraia. Then as one stands upon the terrace of Petraia after having passed hours amidst the most delightful flowers, trees and shrubs, and after having enjoyed miles of splendid avenues - and seen John Bologna's fountains, then, I say, as he stands upon the terrace of Petraia and sees Florence five miles distant, at sunset, and listens to the bells of the city, and the gentle wind sighing through the tall cypresses, and thinks of the history of what he has seen and then feels he must [[strikethrough]] then [[strikethrough]] say Yes, the Medici were magnificent.

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