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Nawara Eliya,
Ceylon, Dec.20th, 1894.

Dear Mr. Hecker, 

The ocean trip from Marseille proved charming to the very end ---Colombo.

Quickly after landing the 13th inst. I cabled you "Well, Love. Oriental Hotel". The latter hotel, at Colombo, will be my address in Ceylon and communications so addressed will doubtless reach me. I remained at Colombo long enough to get rid of my sea legs, and then while strong and in condition for the hardest climb of my life in preparation for which I had been training daily on shipboard, I started for Adams Peak!! This peak is as you doubtless know, the "holy of holies" to the Buddhists, the Mohammedans, and to many Roman Catholics.

From the earlies days of human history devout pilgrims from all over Asia have climbed to its lofty summit to worship, and purify their souls. The literature of the Singhalese claim that the first Buddha of their records appeared B.C.3000 and found this Peak already called "Peak of the God".

Gautama is supposed to have taken leave of earth from this spot and his foot print is plainly seen in the rock at the very summit.

The Mohammedans claim it as the spot first visited by Adam. The Roman Catholics attribute the foot print to St. Thomas. Successive kings, nobles, priests and beggars have traveled from far distant lands to this sacred spot, and one of my great desires for a long time, has been to make this great ascent and enjoy the marvellous view, including the impressive shadow. Before leaving America, I resolved to make the effort but was afraid the work would prove too much for me. And should I fail, I proposed to have no one at home the wiser.

Well, I did not fail. I reached the very top, and saw the apparition, and witnessed the most magnificent panorama of my life --- perhaps as fine as the work has --- also most interesting religious observances of a band of pilgrims. But of all details; more some time when I have less soreness throughout my entire system, unsprained