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Fujiyama District

Aug. 4th,95.

Dear Mr. Hecker:

I am stopping at a charming little nook on the Pacific Coast called Atami. It's very beautiful, historically interesting, and quite secluded. Difficulty of access keeps the crowd away and I find it a most agreeable change from disagreeable Yokohama. The baths are varied and delightful, food excellent and the present bad weather, very, very bad weather, not so much felt as in more open, more exposed localities.

In Tokio recently I was dining in the upper (better) story of a swell tea house and as is usual upon such occasions dancing and music was being performed for our amusement when suddenly the building tried to turn itself inside out, the geishias and samisen players bowed their heads to the floor and I experienced an earthquake felt at all over the Tokio district. I hope there are no more to come during my stay --- I like them not. After leaving this place I travel in chairs pretty close to Fujiyama then by jinrickashas to the coast again and later by rail the balance of the way to Kioto; and on Aug.23 make my last "Sayonara" to those who taught me the word which I so deeply regret to use in its final sense.

With love to all

Yours ever

Long hand.