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On shipboard, June 1899.
(Rec'd June 6th 1899.)

My dear Col. 

We are within one days journey of Gibraltar and all goes well. 

I have paid tribute to Neptune in proper form and am now ready to do likewise to such other Gods as may deign to give me audience or accept either contribution or penance. Tom is a genuine tar and the same dear fellow at sea as we have always found him on land, and the days will pass too quickly. 

Whether to remain on board and go direct to Naples the beautiful, or leave the Ems at Gibraltar and take a short run through southern Spain, we have not fully decided but must do so tomorrow - the chances seem to favor the former. 

Out little ship has the usual discomforts of her tribe but they will soon be forgotten in the presence of the joy to come. 

You are all well I trust, and now that you are free from the cares of war you are finding time I hope, to reacquaint yourself with things dear to you. 

I was glad to find your telegram on board and to have the words of friendship it conveyed. 

Charles L, Freer

Long hand.