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take his chances and be satisfied with results. 

I am sorry Platt finally went into court and am somewhat surprised that he did not accept the offer you made to his lawyers.

It is a comfort to know that the M.S. Bonds are still coming in and I should judge from your letters that we will not after all have a very large number of them to provide for to maturity.

I congratulate you on getting rid of the Perkins Hotel property.  The lot you got in exchange must be very valuable some day - its a good one.

I had several interviews with the Schoens about Reulbach and advised Bixby that they were after him and I am sorry the AC & F Co have lost Ed's services.  He should have been sent to Buffalo, in my opinion to aid in handling the two shops there.  They are losing another good man in young Armstrong.  What a pickle Detroit social circles are going to get in if Alger and McMillan both stick to the Senatorial fight, and what a loss to have Elliott leave the Board of the