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be owing to his wife's dislike of the picture. I have also found a wonderful little group of Kakemono, owned by a gentleman living in the country which I am to have. There is a chance too, of my getting my account with Mr. Whistler settled, but as yet, I do not know what it will amount to, so, because of all these items, I feel like being prepared with adequate and ready funds. If my account runs short will you please dispose of either one hundred or two hundred additional shares of Pressed Steel. You have I understand already sold 200 shares. Thank you!

To return to my doings here, I have been most charmingly entertained as follows:-

At Cromer and Marble Arch, by Lord Battersea.

At Virginia Waters, by Mr. Stevens, K.C.

At Holland Park, by Mr. Davis.

In town, by Mrs. Watney the present owner of the Leyland house containing the famous "peacock room".

In town, by Mr. Alexander (twice, and am to go to him for another half day) the father of the two Miss Alexanders painted by Whistler long ago, one of which portraits now seems to me his greatest masterpiece.

In town, by Mr. Theobald, twice.

In town, by Mr. Hanney.

In town, by the Messrs. Way, publishers of Whistler's lithographs.

In town, by Mr. and Mrs. White, twice, owners of Japanese art and one fine Whistler.

At Edinburgh, by Mr. Cowen from whom I bought "The Thames in Ice" which by many people here is considered his greatest thing after the three great portraits - His Mother, Miss Alexander, and Carlyle.

At Glasgow, by Mr. Burrell, the former ship owner and old time collector.
At Kidderminster and Wolverhampton, by Mr. Tomkinson the leading collector of Oriental art in Great Britain.

Of course, I have seen much of Mr. Whistler himself, and have paid frequent visits to the British Museum, Natl. Gallery Wallace Collection, and all of the current exhibitions.

This afternoon, I am to be the guest of Lady Meux, of Waltham Cross.

Tomorrow I am to take luncheon and spend the afternoon with the Rawlinsons in their pretty Holland Park home.

My Nocturne recently received in Detroit came from them.

On Monday next, I am to see the Oriental collection of Mr. Samuels, etc., etc. I am giving you all of these details to let you know why my stay here continues so long and what I am doing.