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P.S. Kindly let Mr. Kennedy have access to the information in business letters, to help keep his a/c straight.

June 3/02
Carlton Hotel,
Pall Mall,

Dear Colonel Hecker:-

I have your valued cablegram of yesterday reading "Draft Wednesday Steamer" and thank you very much for your goodness. The matter for which I needed the $2,000 became somewhat complicated yesterday and I found that in order to prevent the collection from slipping through my fingers I had to take immediate action. Fortunately I had enough credit left in my letter to provide the necessary cash and I have just closed deal. Enclosed herein please find memorandum of what I have drawn to date on my letter of credit, vis:- four thousand three hundred and twenty pounds and fifteen shillings - L4,320.15.

With the draft for two thousand pounds to arrive next week, and the balance unused of my letter of credit about 680, I hope to get through although as yet I have no settlement with Mr. Whistler. He and I dined together last evening and have set aside tomorrow as a day to ourselves, when I hope to get from him a statement of account. But one can never tell what to expect from him in the way of figures.

Should I need additional money I shall not hesitate to let you know either by wire or cable. In providing the funds I trust you will not hesitate to sell whatever amount may be necessary of Pressed Steel stock.

The draft L252 is for a lot of Japanese kakemono which will be sent forward with a lot of miscellaneous things including some books. Yamanaka and Co. of London will forward same in Bond to Detroit with proper Custom house documents.

The drafts for ---   800
------------------    68.15
------------------ 3,000.00

are for works of art by Whistler which will be forwarded in Bond, to Detroit, by Marchant and Co. with proper Custom house documents, etc.

When shipments are made details thereof will be forwarded to you.

The L800 is for a (1) Nocturne by Whistler "Gray and Silver, Chelsea Embankment, Winter", bought from Mr. Stevens thro Marchant and Co.