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June 3/1902.

Carlton Hotel,
Pall Mall,

Dear Colonel Hecker:-

Since writing you earlier today, I have received your good letter of May 23 and am glad to hear from you. I hope the Yaeger will pan out as good as recent reports indicate. Very much obliged to you for taking care of my end in the late disposition of shares.

I have just cabled you "please follow Platt's plan Yondotega fountain". The changes are in accordance with a talk I had with Platt in New York just before I sailed - only the cost runs up higher than I expected. However, it is all right and I am happy to spend the money in an object of lasting beauty. Kindly tell Kahn to follow Platt in building the fountain.

Truman you know, is looking after the balance of the work.

Delighted that Sherrard is getting better. He is a good fellow!

You opened your fishing season in great form and yourself and Mrs. Hecker will both be in danger of strained relations with the bass if you keep up your records.

London has gone mad this week over the peace agreement with the Boers. Last night was the first evening of jubilation and much of it centered at this hotel. Whistler invited himself to dine with me. He cracked anti-English jokes, mixed up with good Burgundy and Gin slings till the lights went out. All the best portions of this fine old town are being boxed up, coffin-like, to furnish stands for the Coronation procession. It's dreadful! In ten days more, there will not be a decent front along the line of march uncovered. I pity the ditch of ugliness through which the procession will have to tramp. It will be so dismal to the marchers.

I am still having a fine time. Mr. Rawlinson's luncheon of last Sunday given for me, panned out finely! He brought together an interesting group of artists and art lovers. He (R) is an old time friend of Howard Mansfield.