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Hotel Des Indes
La Haye
June 27th, 1902.

My dear Colonel:-

The pleasures of my journeying received a great jar on Saturday afternoon last, and the present week thus far has passed wretchedly.

On Saturday morning we left London bound for Amsterdam via Flushing. Our party consisted of Mr. Whistler, his sister in law Miss Philip, a french woman who is a sort of personal servant to Mr. Whistler --- faithful and competent --- a courier, and myself. En route Mr. Whistler was taken with a rather severe attack of heart weakness. We stopped at Flushing that night and on Sunday came to The Hague so as to get the best medical attention and suitable hotel accommodations. All of which we found. The physician is the celebrated Dr. Coert who attended the Queen during her recent illness, an able and attentive doctor. Our hotel is "Des Indes" which you may remember and an excellent place.

Well, notwithstanding all this Mr. Whistler has been and still is a very sick man. His heart is badly off, and I feel quite alarmed about the result. The sister in law Miss Philip is extremely competent and very brave, but this morning we have cabled for her sister Mrs. Whibley to come. Dr. Coert is hopeful but looks upon Mr. Whistler's condition gravely.

We have kept all facts of the illness at Mr. Whistler's request, quite private to his wife's family and I have privately notified Coleman who is in Paris waiting for me to accompany him to Spain. Mr. Whistler insists no matter what the result upon the closest secrecy about himself. Of course, I must stand by during the illness regardless of earlier plans, so in the future my movements will depend entirely upon his condition. He is very weak and still brave as a lion. A most extraordinary man! !  I will keep you advised.

Always sincerely yours

Charles L. Freer

Long hand.