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has been clean and cool until today, but this afternoon the south wind blows and it is rainy and disagreeable- 

I find the only chance, of promise, to see any thing of Spain during May, is to sail from Naples in the Hohenzollern to Gibraltar on the 15th inst. This I shall do, and have cabled you accordingly this morning. 

This early departure from Capri is disappointing to my friends here, and of course, I would greatly like to stay longer, but I feel that I must make the visit to Spain the great event of this years trip.
Tom has received no word from Louise during the last three weeks, but her last letter stated that she expected to leave Bari for Naples early in May- And to if possible, sail quickly from Naples to America-

Of course, both Tom and I will be happy to render her any service in our power should opportunity offer-

Tom and Coleman are as yet, both uncertain about accompanying me to Spain. 

They both join with me in warmest regards to journey and family. 

Always sincerely
Charles L Freer