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with such powers as Germany, Russia and Japan, not to mention England, France and America. Even Italy, including her southern people, seem a real lives and happy land in comparison.

But for the principal objects of my visit' painting, architecture, sculpture, gardening and landscape beauty serious student can find endless joy. The buildings, tiles and various existing arts of the Moors, the sculpture, weavings and metal work of the early Spaniards, the paintings of Velasquez, and the garden making and forestry (including irrigation) done one hundred years before and after Velasques's time must always hold a very high place in the strongest forces of civilization. And what is also fine, is the fact, that all of what remains of such rare value is accessible to everyone in the most generous way. The great Prado museum has voluntarily offered to open its doors to Coleman and me at any hour of any day, between sunrise and sunset-as compliment of distinction to Coleman, coming from Villegas the managing director but not at all uncommon. Equally free, are all royal palaces and gardens, and I might add all public and private institutions; manufacturing and otherwise.

Tom remained with us until the 4th when superior attractions in southern France, including Lourdes, hurried him to his island home, which seem to attract him more than anything else.