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P.S. Please keep Mr. Whistler's illness quiet.

The Coburg Hotel
Carlos Place,
Grosvenor Square.W.

July 5th, 1903.

My dear Colonel:-

I arrived here on Monday evening last, finding London overflowing with the annual flood of American tourists and many people from other places, attracted by the coming visit of Prest. Loubet of France.

The Carlton hotel could not give me a room nor could Claridge's either --- so I went to the Cecil where I obtained the only vacant room. But the crowd, the rush, the confusion drove me away the third day, and some angel of peace turned my steps towards this delightful haven. And, now, I am delightfully housed in a select and modern hotel, built and managed for the best class of english patronage. It is really perfect, and I am the only foreign guest. Had the management known my nativity it would have probably refused me the very cheerful, clean and convenient room which for the present, is my place of rest after work, and refuge from the many at all times.

I spend my time in visiting with acquaintances; in seeing interesting things in museums, private collections and shops; and, daily, I go for an hour or two to Mr. Whistler, who poor old man! has recently had another spell of serious illness, and is now confined to his home.

He is very weak and sees only his family and doctor, as a rule, but if I fail to appear he wires me come, and I go. It is pathetic to witness his illness, but ennobling to see his affection for his own beautiful art, in the midst of which he sits in an invalid chair and communes.

He is one of the rare few who has made his own little world in which to die. And if he is now slowly going, which I fear is the case, the triumph of his life at its close is complete. Beauty is his only master and to it alone he bows! Bows not only because he loves her, but also because they are akin and have helped to make each other --- What a happy combination!

How much things of the mind mean after all --- and