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President Roosevelt, Nicholas Murray Butler, Congressman McCleary, Chief Justice Harlan, Cardinal Gibbons, et al.

Uncle Joe Cannon also made a speech entirely characteristic of his treatment of everything that he has had a voice in connected with artistic embellishment. It would seem as if some good in a general way would come out of this meeting, and even this fact Mr. Cannon recognized.

The Smithsonian Institution matter is under consideration, and all seems to go well, excepting one condition which Secy. Langley has courteously asked me to modify, but as it is one in which I feel I am entirely right, I have not yet found a way to meet his views, and I doubt very much if I will, so it is quite likely that the whole matter will hinge upon this one item. Mr. Langley wants me to allow other things besides my own collection to be placed in the building under consideration. Consent to this effect on my part might not be harmful, and still it might destroy the unity and harmony of my group. Naturally enough, I am disinclined to accept their views on this point, so my insistence may put a sudden stop to the whole matter.

We are having some good winter weather, and your many friends here, so far as I am informed, are all well and happy.

Mrs. Lewis Case Ledyard, H. B.'s sister-in-law, whose
