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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
February 23, 1905.

My dear Colonel Hecker:-

[[strikethrough]] I was glad to receive your letter of February 4th sent from Vienna and to have the pleasant news of your journeyings. I hope that all goes well with you and Henry and that the joys increase with the journey itself.

There is little of local news to send, but I must tell you of the election of Dr. Mann to the vacant governorship in the Yondotega Club. He was unanimously chosen yesterday and will make a fine addition to the Board.

The weather stays very wintry with plenty of snow and many cold days. [[/strikethrough]]

I am inclosing some newspaper clippings which will tell you of happenings at Washington. You will be pleased to know that your declination of director's fees in the Panama railroad has been made very clear through the press.

Owing to the illness of several members of the Committee of the Board of Regents appointed to visit Detroit for the purpose of examining my collections, postponement followed, but the Committee of four, consisting of Professor Langley, Senator Henderson, Dr. Alexander Graham Bell and President Angell, are expected here on Saturday next. Their desire is to see the art objects and report to a meeting of the Board of Regents to be held