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Hôtel du Chemin de Fer
Buitenzorg Java
Buitenzorg, le 2nd March '07.

Dear Colonel Hecker,

Your cablegram advising me of the death of Will McMillan reached me on arrival at Batavia day before yesterday. It's dreadfully sad news and I am quite upset by it. Mr. Gillet, Gen'l. Alger and now Will --- all such close and old-time friends and business associates gone since I left Detroit. It unnerves one, so far away. Their deaths mean vacancies never to be filled and changes socially and in business which I dread thinking of. I hope neither of the three suffered severely before going.

Java is overwhelming! I am rushing off to the center of the island where the ancient ruins of Buddhist and Hindu temples are while I feel strong and fit --- about five days of ripping hard work is to commence at Maos day after morrow. The local society of Dutchmen organized for the preservation of the ruins have most kindly given me material aid and have planned a very attractive itinerary which includes about a half dozen temples of 9th century construction which they tell me not a half dozen foreigners have seen since the Dutch took possession here. After seeing these temples I go to those at Boro-Boedor, Prambanan and Mendoet which are very famous and easily visited. Batavia and Buitenzorg are both beautiful and of course, sleepy and exquisitely clean. The scenery is magnificent and the trees, foliage and vegetation the most fascinating I have ever seen. No land can be cleaner or fresher looking. It rains every day!!

A ship acquaintance --- Mr. Pear's, of soap fame (you see I am in a clean land and in clean company) is travelling with me as far as Garoet. The temples beyond are too hard for him. I have a Malay servant who speaks a very few words of English who is highly recommended and who is to accompany me throughout. the trip. I am expecting much. I have cabled a word of sympathy to Mrs. Will McMillan and hope that when opportunity offers you will offer my condolences to Phil.

With all good wishes to yourself and family,

Always sincerely yours
Charles L. Freer.

Long hand.