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Anna needs some sort of rational entertainment in well moments, but particularly in days of continued pain. Can such strength-giving surroundings be found in Arizona? May be there, but I fear not.

If she is well enough to see New York and Boston leisurely in the spring, when things are bright and pretty they would, I think, cheer and please her. After all New York and Boston with their libraries, galleries, theatres, concerts, parks, and amazing shops are truly wonderful in the few fine spring weeks and they with comfortable quarters at a good hotel in town or country, nearby, might be the very thing needed. Medicine won't do everything, nor climate either,---environment may do wonders. Anna's temperament is susceptible to fine things and where she can see them she will, I think, pick up needed strength first. Won't you think of this suggestion?

When you see Ed. Hauss do give to him and Mrs. Hauss my congratulations.

With warmest regards to yourself and family.

Yours very sincerely
Charles L. Freer

Japanese address
c/o Hongkong Shanghai Bank

P.S. Do give my best regards to Hance. The death of so many men close to him, along with cares and responsibilities caused thereby must cast heavy shadows upon his path.

Sunday, Mar. 24th, Singapore.

I arrived here today and brought this letter with me thus getting it in an early mail. It will go via French mail tomorrow.

The trip from Batavia here was not so very uncomfortable after all, but the bugs, musquitoes and other pests were a nuisance.

Being Sunday, I cannot learn about steamer accommodations until tomorrow.


Long hand.