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San no tani,
near Yokohama,
April 23rd,07.

My dear Colonel-

While our ship was taking on coal at Moji the Captain kindly offered to land two acquaintances and myself at Kobe instead of Yokohama, so we went ashore there. After one day spent at Kobe I went on to Kioto and after three days there came to Yokohama for mail and consideration of future plans. At the urgent invitation of Mr. Hara a prominent banker, manufacturer and collector I came directly from Kioto to a superb country house overlooking Mississippi Bay in which his collection is stored --- called "San no tani", which he has turned over for my use for as long as I remain in Japan. The place contains over 200 acres, has one temple, another is building, shrines, several tea houses, his own residence, gardens, paths, etc., etc., besides the lovely Japanese house in which I am now living --- His "godown" is attached to my house and I have full control of his magnificent treasures:--- screens, kakemono, pottery, sculpture, bronze, books etc. It completely overwhelms me and I really don't know what to do. It is one of those extraordinary manifestations of Oriental hospitality of which I am entirely unworthy and which I can never repay. He traced me from Shanghai, sent men to Nagasaki, where my ship did not stop, then to Kobe to meet and escort me to this wonderful fairy-land. He secured one of my old time servants to attend to my personal requirements, has a flock of other servants at my call, horses etc., etc. He comes to me daily bringing his friends and some of my old time ones. My old-time guard Nomura has grown very rich and is now prominent throughout Japan, he and Mr. Hara are chums and Nomura had much to do with arranging all details and the invitations too, I fancy, but this he denies.

The reception given me by old-time Japanese friends at Kioto was delightful, but a later incident which occurred there, was really very disappointing, of this more when we meet.

In all this handshaking and entertainment I could not find time to read letters nor send answers until the present forenoon --- so this must be rather broken and disjointed reply to your three good letters of March 5th, 18th and 26th, also your cablegram ammouncing Theodore Buhl's death. How