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are packed and no small number of people sleep on billiard tables in town and on deck on board. The "Farther East" is booming and the foreigners are not getting all of the cream. Fine Japanese and Chinese steamers outnumber the European and American. The Chinese ride in carriages and travel and mingle in first class manner everywhere. The Chinese practically own Singapore and the other ports mentioned, with the Japanese hustling for second place. These two nations have done wonders in business of all kinds during late years. Many English, French & German merchants have told me that the Chinese and 

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buy copies in the foreign settlements. Canton is amazing! And already I am dreaming of some old inland cities lying between Saigon and Peking which, some day, I would like to search as I did Canton and Shanghai, only more slowly and thoroughly. From Egypt to the temples of Ceylon and Java and thence to the treasure houses of China and Japan is to me an experience of indesirable delight. Our steamer is several days behind her schedule and will not stop at Nagasaki --- at Moji she coals, passes through the Inland sea and if weather and tide and daylight favors she will send some passengers off in lighter at Kobe, thence direct 

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