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Imperial Hotels, Ltd. Tokio.
(Imperial Hotel & Villa, and Metropole Hotel.)
CARL FLAIG, Gen. Manager.

Imperial Hotel & Villa.

are mine. Some I shall always take aesthetic joy with, some will cater to a mean spirit within me, others will show the world some day the power of the Japanese as copyists today and during the last three centuries.

The story is an amazing one particularly the part played by dealers, long enough for a sensational novel, unholy enough to satisfy a missionaries' dream and beset with the greatest aesthetic pitfalls I have thus far met. The closing act, I dare not put on paper. I will tell it to you later. 

I feel that I have seen the sights of Tokio and that I must go elsewhere, so day after tomorrow, I shall revisit Kioto armed with heaps of Governmental letters directing all temples and museums there located, in fact, everywhere in Japan, to admit me and to exhibit to my satisfaction their art treasures. 

This game too, is now won, but to be perfectly honest, I care little about going back to dear old Kioto - the place is spoilt and its wonderful screens, kakemono, sculptures, bronzes and architecture can never again give me the inspiration of thirteen years ago. From 
