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June 4th, 1909. 

Hotel Meurice
Rue de Rivoli

Dear Colonel Hecker-

My two weeks stay here ends day after tomorrow and then I shall go on to London. The principal object of my present visit in Paris was to see the private collection of M. de Plancy formerly French Minister to Corea and a friend of Dr. Allen of Toledo. The collection is deeply interesting, containing hundreds of specimens of Corean literature and craft but not enough of art to make it desirable for my collection. It would be great for the Field or some other American Ethnographical museum! I have seen a few other private collections some for sale --- others not for sale --- also all of the recent acquisitions made by the Louvre, Luxembourg, City of Paris, and of the Arts Decoratif --- many of which are interesting but none of them equal in artistic quality to nine pieces of ancient pottery purchased by me from Tabbagh and Kelekian, details of which are included in papers I am sending Kennedy today. At your leisure, I wish you would look over the papers and some time, when you feel in the mood, after Stephen shall have unpacked the potteries, do have a view of them. You will find one large circular bowl decorated with four girls --- in brown --- 11th century, Persian, found two years ago at Rhages, which I have been negotiating for practically ever since its arrival in France and it is, I am sure, unequaled by any other piece known to exist.

So, you will see that aside from the pleasure derived from seeing friends and collections here, I have added a few important items to my collection.

Paris is teeming with visitors and the city is extremely beautiful in spring foliage and flowers. I meet almost as many people in the exhibitions and cafes and streets known to me as I do in New York --- in fact, Paris seems almost New York in that respect --- but otherwise how amazingly different!!

Mr. Morgan is here and buying enormously for his collection --- prices are shockingly high --- and the dealers wear diamonds and ride in autos --- the whole wealth of the world is likely to eventually become theirs.

Trusting you and yours are keeping very well, I remain with cordial greetings to all,
Charles L. Freer.
P.S. My foot is entirely healed and I am very well.