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Astor House,


Dear Colonel Hecker,

I arrived here last evening after a very tiring railroad journey of about 600 miles from Peking to Hankow and a most perfect steamboat trip of about 600 miles from Hankow to Shanghai. Six days were required for the 1400 miles, but frequent stops were made at ancient interior cities, which impressed me greatly. The glimpse I am getting of old China during this hurried trip, confirms the impressions I have rec'd from various sources during recent years. In comparison, Japan seems only an imitative doll! I do hope Mr. Taft, now that he has wisely thrown over Mr. Crane will find some American big enough and discreet enough to represent the U.S.A. properly in this very important field.

In order to pay an account incurred at Peking, just as I was leaving, and to pay my homeward passage and expenses, I cabled you this morning asking you to wire me here through the Hongkong Shanghai Bank four hundred pounds sterling, which I trust has caused you no inconvenience and for which I thank you in advance. Kindly issue my note to the bank and I will sell some thing after my return and clean up all of the notes.

I shall sail from here to Kobe on the "Prinzess Alice" on the 24th inst. And am counting on leaving Yokohama on Nov.24th on the Mongolia homeward bound via San Francisco --- Hotel St. Francis. Shall probably take the Santa Fe route to Chicago.

With kindest messages to you and yours,

Ever sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer

Long hand.