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traditions which still cluster around Maruyama hill. During the first four days in Kioto of my present trip, I patronized a modernized hotel --- the food was good, the hotel clean, the service perfect, but I could not tell whether I was in Singapore, Shanghai, or Kioto --- modern improvements, so called, in the Far Eastern hotels are all factory-made and sold in portions to suit. The old Yaami as it stands today is changed only by destructive fire and honorable use, and while in size it is only a shadow of its former self, the shadow or mere shell is still truly old Japan. And its the old call that brought me here. The food however, is so poor, I may be starved out of this ancient place, back again to the noisy and new. It will test how long I can enjoy the ideal on an empty and soured stomach!
The avalanche of ancient art which I unloosened in China, has already overtaken me and I am in real danger of being buried by it here. A cablegram reached me today, notifying me that a Shanghai owner of some things I coveted had decide to sell them to me at my offer --- So, I shall have to soon cable you for another small remittance --- possibly two hundred to four hundred pounds. This year has added most importantly to my collection, and the work of classifying and cataloguing means weeks of arduous work in Detroit during the coming winter.
With kindest regards to yourself, your family and enquiring friends,
Always sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer

Long hand.
P.S. I hope that Major Beaham is quite well again.